Teaches Barre ashore
Ballerina since the age of 6 Lola has always loved dancing, and since 2009 she has been practicing Yoga.
She studied International Law, then worked for 7 years in Switzerland, as a lawyer. Knowing how to speak 4 languages, she very early loved traveling to discover other cultures and other landscapes.
At the age of 30, struck down by major back problems, she spent several weeks in a Medico-Surgical Rehabilitation Center and suffered a professional burnout. She decides, after long months of both physical and psychological suffering, to take control of her life in order to finally feel fulfilled, both personally and professionally.
This letting go resulted in a trip during which she found herself, and successfully passed her yoga teacher diploma. From then on, the daily practice of Yoga for therapeutic purposes, allowed her to live better with her chronic low back pain and to feel more in tune with herself.
Her journey made her understand that a global approach (body & mind), in particular through Yoga therapy and brief change therapies, was the best solution to feel better.
Thanks to her training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Ericksonian Hypnosis, she was able to complete her knowledge and bring her support offer to the next level.
Today, she wishes to take advantage of this life experience and pass on her knowledge in order to help you, too, to feel better in your body and in your mind.